Siviculture Unit

The Silviculture Unit is responsible for the establishment and tending of forest crops, from the collection and sowing of seeds, until the trees in the final crop are ready for harvesting. This includes the following:

    1. Production of forest tree seedlings in support of the Division’s reforestation, agro-forestry, amenity planting.
    2. Production of forest tree seedlings in support of the Division’s extension service to private landowners.
    3. Encourage and promote Private Forestry initiatives.
    1. To generate revenue from the thinnings and harvesting of mature trees.
    2. To promote investment by private landowners into planting forest tree species as an economic crop.
    3. To provide a database on forest plantation species for educational and research purposes.
    4. To provide a measure of wildlife and watershed protection respectively.
    1. Reforest degraded and logged-over State Land.
    2. To provide protection of critical watersheds.
    3. To provide protection for wildlife in terms of habitat and food.
    4. To mitigate against soil erosion in critical areas especially after public road construction.
    5. To provide adequate biodiversity sustenance.
    1. To actively promote agro-forestry as an effective land management system to private landowners.