Conservation, Protection & Maintenance Section
The Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division is responsible for enforcing several pieces of legislation and their accompanying regulations as they pertain to the protection and management of our (terrestrial) natural resources. These include the Forestry and Wildlife Act (PDF 438KB) (Chap. 60:02 of the Revised Laws of Dominica) and Regulations, the Forests Act (PDF 861KB) (Chap. 60:01) and Regulations, and the National Parks and Protected Areas Act (PDF 524KB) (Chap. 42:02) and Regulations. The Division is also legally mandated to carry out some law enforcement functions under the Water and Sewage Act (PDF 22.4KB) as these pertain to the protection of water catchments on forest reserves and elsewhere.
Although all forestry officers are empowered to enforce the provisions of the laws referred to above, the “Forest and Wildlife Protection” Section is the main law enforcement arm of the Division.
Services provided by the Forestry Wildlife & Parks Division include the following:
Sale of Timber
One of the services that the Forestry, Wildlife & Parks Division offers to the general public is the sale of timber from the island’s two Forest Reserves and from Unallocated State Lands.
Issuing of Licenses and Permits
One of the services offered to the general public by the Division is the issuing of licences (e.g. timber cutting licences, hunting and fishing licences) and permits for the removal of forest produce, or for keeping wildlife in captivity, etc.
Issuing of Removal Permits
One of the serviced provided to the general public – and as required by law, is the issuing of Removal Permits to facilitate the movement of forest produce by road, etc. Such produce includes timber, lumber, roundwood, cordwood, charcoal, Larouman (Ischnosiphon arouma), and other produce removed from the forest.
Permits are issued for movement of produce from Forest Reserves, Unallocated Sate Lands, as well as Private Lands.
The permits are issued in the out-districts in the particular Forest Range where the produce was harvested and from where it is to be transported.